Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Whippoorwill's Song of Summer

It was almost 8 this evening when Kuma awoke me from a nap on the couch begging for a trip to the farm. A Labrador can be very persuasive when committed to a mission; so we went. As we hiked up to the cabin, the sun was dropping behind the western pines giving relief from the unseasonably high temperatures that again topped in the upper 90s. Once at the cabin, we both settled on the porch to enjoy the surroundings. Within minutes, the birds resumed their evening symphony, breaking out in songs to end the day. Kuma was captivated by the squirrels as they jumped from branch to branch in the canopy above. The frogs on the pond contributed like bass players in the background. Everyone should take time to experience and appreciate nature's beauty; so very peaceful. 
 On the day of my dad's birthday, I couldn't help but reminisce about how much he loved the farm and how pleased he would be with the cabin. I made a trip to the kitchen cabinet and retrieved the Crown Royal reserved for special occasions.  I poured a toast and raised it in quiet solitude, "you did good, dad." 
 Upon return to the porch, the sun was now down with darkness closing in. The many birds had fallen silent and only crickets and frogs could be heard. The Ridgeway clock on the cabin wall chimed the 9th hour of the afternoon alerting the end of the day. It was time to go; it would be dark very soon. Then, to my surprise a distant whippoorwill began singing its song of summer. The sound took me back 45 years on the farm when I would lay in bed with my window open in our farm house listening to the whippoorwills as they would sing me to sleep. We had no air conditioning in the 60s so on a night like tonight, the metal roof would transfer the sun's heat into my room where it was sometimes unbearable for sleeping. It was still very peaceful, secure and home. The whippoorwill is one of God's many gifts. Those that hear the whippoorwill sing, will always remember its unique mating song as it invokes memories later in life. My memories tonight were pleasant and peaceful.
Kuma enjoying squirrels.

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