Sunday, June 05, 2011

Barbie Jeep is so full of herself

With winter's ice and snow a distant memory and the mud from the Spring monsoon season dried hard under the sun, Barbie now thinks she can take me anywhere I want to go on the farm. How soon she forgets leaving me stranded over a snow bank or knee deep in mud ruts. Now that everything is dry, she has no trouble taking me to the back 40 where we spent time this evening dodging thunderstorms setting up to take family pictures of the neighbors.

A mineral block, 50 pounds of shelled corn and a trail camera should be all that's needed to populate the Blog with more pictures of ManCamp visitors. From the cabin porch, I routinely watch deer walking below as they hug the tree line just above the creek. This is also a route the coyotes take. Deer don't like to get too far out into the clearing; they prefer to stay close to the security of the forest even in transit. Since this is a routine pathway, it was a prime spot to set up a snack bar and camera for those passing through. The corn is for the flocks of turkey that come through nosing for food.

The cabin is about 70 yards above, just far enough to enjoy the view while not being detected. Some might consider it the ultimate Tree Stand.

Once our snack area was set up, Kuma d.o.g. and I took another 20 pounds of mixed treats and a bag of corn cobs up to the cabin to feed the infamous Ninja squirrel. A thunderstorm moved in so Barbie turned tailgate home; she was worried about getting swamped in the creek from the runoff up the watershed. I'll get her back out when it dries up again.
Barbie watching the set up for trail pictures

Cabin at ManCamp hidden in trees above

Another view of cabin hidden in forest providing view of meadow below

Kuma d.o.g. bored and ready to move on. Camera is set.

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