Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nature's mystery

It may be a simple wish but one day before I die, I'd like to understand what stimulates life in the woods; I'm perplexed. On any given evening, it may be as quiet as a church mouse with no animals - not even a bird moving. The next day, and it can be the same weather, temperature and conditions, the forest comes to life like a scene from a Walt Disney children's animation. This was one of those days at the cabin. Sitting quietly on the porch this evening, I observed 3 gray squirrels, 1 red squirrel, 2 chipmunks, a rabbit and multiple birds on the ground, in the trees and enjoying the feeders. It was quite obvious there was harmony and unison with a single, united purpose. Why today? Why not yesterday?

There was one glaring omission from this natural gathering - Ninja Squirrel.

I knew this over-sized red rodent was up there in the canopy somewhere though; watching, waiting, lurking. I've spoiled him. He's too good to fill his pouches with nature's ground fodder like the others. He was up in the trees, most likely watching me fill the feeders and loading corn cobs for his next feast. I'm sure he wasted no time scurrying down from his perch after watching me depart.

Tomorrow, I will return and re-fill his empty feeders while accepting the fact that Ninja is now in control and has me trained.
Mowed the "lawn". At ManCamp, a 5' bushhog is used to
mow the lawn. Just want to knock down ivy and run snakes away.

Kuma d.o.g. on the trail as we leave ManCamp for home.

View out of the skylight over the sleeping loft. Perhaps
I'll be able to see Ninja in the trees above.

Kuma d.o.g. on the road to ManCamp. We are entering Ninja country.

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