Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lazy Sunday

Spring in Ohio is so unpredictable. Temperatures often get in the high 80s in April only to fall into the high 30s with wind the following week. Today with temps in the low 40s, all I wanted to do was build fires in Beulah and the hearth and stay inside with the warmth. It was a good break from the unseasonably warm weather and brought things back into mid-Spring perspective. I found Beulah up to the task of percolating a pot of coffee and boiling some eggs for a salad while I sat back with an old Neil Young album. Cabin life on weekends gets pretty slow.

Sunday afternoon fire and music.

Beulah doing her part in heating up the cabin and helping with lunch

A pot of cabin percolated coffee is always appreciated

Beulah boiling some eggs for egg salad

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