Monday, October 24, 2011

Silicone Investment

When building our cabin, the one thing we did not skimp on was tubes of silicone. We put it around the walls, windows and cracks both inside and out. We also put it around the cabinets and baseboards. Now that Fall has arrived and the spiders, bugs, snakes and mice are looking for a nice place for winter, you would think a cabin in the woods would be full of these critters. It is so rewarding to open the door and not find any bugs or spiders and this is due to all the tubes of silicone we emptied during construction.

This past weekend, I spent time cutting firewood and stacking it at the cabin. October and November in Ohio is typically wet and although most of the month has passed with relatively little percipitation, the next few weeks could easily become very wet and cold.

This evening I took Kuma d.o.g. to the cabin and built a fire in Beulah. We shared a few sticks of Slim Jims while I sanded ceiling boards. Once the water was warm on the stove, I cleaned up the kitchen and did a few dishes that had accumulated in the sink. Still very pleased with the stove; it does a great job.
A little firewood for Beulah and the fireplace.

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