Monday, April 18, 2011

Road to ManCamp

The road to ManCamp can be treacherous in the winter and pretty sloppy in the spring. I usually drive Barbie Jeep but unfortunately she has a real problem with the road if its not dry. She is a fair weather Jeep that has no concept of going mudding. It was embarrasing how many times she slid off the road this past winter. The tractor was getting pretty tired of having to leave the comfort of the barn to pull her out each time she went over a bank.  Although it has dried up significantly since this past Saturday morning rain, its still a bit wet to drive up to the cabin; especially when both Kuma d.o.g. and I need the exercise. So today we once again hiked up to the cabin and left Barbie behind.

Kuma has become quite the cabin dweller lately. She loves the farm, ducks on the pond, jumping in every water hole and finally chilling on the porch while watching flocks of birds pick over scraps the squirrels discard from their feeders. Today we went to the cabin and finished the foundation for the generator building. We fed the squirrels and also replaced the flash card in a Trail camera I placed at the corner of the porch. I had put a little treat out on a stump for Bambi and sure enough, she showed up. I'm really curious who else shows up in the middle of the night and hangs out around the porch.

Passing through the wetlands

Road finally drying out

Final hill but also the hardest for Barbie to get up in the winter

Eventually plan to put a culvert in at coyote crossing

Ohio clay drys quickly on the hill

Kuma, as a true labrador, couldn't pass up an opportunity to bath in the
creek at the crossing

Bambi at the corner of the porch

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