Sunday, January 22, 2012

Night Life at the Cabin

Late Saturday evening I made a trip to the farm to walk down trail cameras and change out the digital cards. It was very dark with heavy overcast and not a star or moon in the sky. Visibility was limited to just a few feet and you couldn't even see where stepping. Having grown up on and exploring the farm for over 45 years, I could easily navigate anywhere in the dark so the walk didn't bother me. However, as I made my way back into the woods, the sound of coyotes howling deep in the hollow stopped me in my tracks. I immediately thought, 'maybe I should wait until daylight to change the cards; after all, no sense in breaking up a party.' I turned around and went back to the car.

Tonight, I returned to a wet, foggy night in the forest. While driving en route to the farm, I had to slam on the brakes to allow a small herd of deer cross the township road. It was the perfect evening for deer to be mobile. The big difference was the temperature; it was in the high 30s this evening and the ground had thawed. With the wetness, my steps were muffled so walking up on an unexpected deer out and about was not unexpected. I saw many deer tonight, one of which was captured by my camera near the cabin. Afterwards, I sat on the porch with a small glass of wine and just appreciated the evening.

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