Monday, October 22, 2012

Cabin Security and Stuff

It's good to know that technology has evolved to where one can make some major advancements with security assets that did not exist a few years ago for a small cabin in the woods. I've really enjoyed the innovations and assets you can deploy to address an adversary that would choose to challenge it. Of course, since it's security related, I won't disclose the level of effort or unique investments that have been deployed to deter and address such unauthorized activity or visitors. Just glad there are options to give a person piece of mind that these issues can be countered effectively.

In addition to security assets, the cabin now has motion sensitive lighting deployed inside and out to detect movement and illuminate the porch steps, the porch, the generator house, and even interior rooms and spaces. No more worry about finding keys or feeling your way in the dark upon entry!

The LP tank has been filled and the supplemental LP heater is now operational and set to ensure the cabin never gets cold while preparing for winter. A pleasant surprise was the decreased price of LP gas. The 100 lb tanks were filled for less than $70 each, a significant drop since winter of 2011.

Another surprise was how well the solar panel was able to keep the batteries topped up and fully charged. This is just another step in progression where the bathroom, living room, porch and loft lights and circuits are all now operating off the batteries instead of the generator. It's so much more convenient and quiet to simply turn on the inverter and have power without worry of starting the generator. Eventually, more solar panels and batteries will put the generator in a stand-by "off normal" status as the sun will maintain the battery charge and the batteries will contain enough storage to run all the cabin needs 24/7. Life will be good at this time!

Nic showed up unexpectedly as I was splitting wood with a maul. He immediately took over this task and to my enjoyment was less successful. My father would say he doesn't have enough 'ass' to swing an 8# maul to split wood. To his credit, he continued to try but the green white oak over 20" in diameter needed my 300# effort. Out of compassion, I set up some smaller pieces that he had success with. There was no doubt that his willingness to split and stack the wood on the porch was appreciated.

Motion detection lighting added to address those
entry in darkness concerns.

Motion detection lighting in discrete locations to
aid in moving around before starting the inverter or generator.

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