Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Raccoons are gangstas in the woods

If you spend time in the woods observing nature, you'll discover the community of wildlife is not much different than us. There are predators, opportunist, type-A personalities, welfare recipients, leaders, followers, the meek and the strong. Mel Blanc got it right with his characterization of the coyote when he created Wile E. Coyote. Observing these sneaky creatures takes me back to Saturday morning Looney Tunes; always trying to catch it's prey. The others also have unique and somewhat familiar characteristics.

 If people were reincarnated and returned as animals in the forest, I think I could figure out what they did in their prior lives. Take the raccoon as an example. There is no doubt these animals were sociopathic members of an inner city's underclass; they were the gangsta hit men. They come in, bust up your house, take anything and everything and get pleasure out of their unruliness and destructive ways. Not someone you want for a neighbor. Squirrels on the other hand are more like the classic pickpockets. They possess that special ability which allows the little mischievous rogues to pilfer over and over while being so stealth you seldom see them; you just realize they picked you clean. The chipmunks are more like panhandlers. Meek, having little interest in confrontation, yet always running around looking for hand outs willing to accost and beg from strangers.

Clearly, I'm spending too much time on the cabin porch.

Metal art on the porch

The walk around the pond is always enjoyable

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