A busy week at work with evenings dedicated to bushhogging the farm left little time for the cabin. Consequently, the bird and squirrel feeders went dry which did not go over well with the ManCamp dependents. The squirrels have a way of letting me know they are displeased as they typically invert the feeders leaving them hang with their lids open. Its as if they are trying to say, "look dummy, can't you see we are out of food and this thing is empty?" I tried to make it up to them by making my run on the outdoor section at Walmart where I loaded up on birdseed, squirrel food and corn on cobs.
With the weather forecast calling for late night rain, a trip through Kroger's for weekend provisions was all that separated me from a long week and a relaxing evening. I'm getting hooked on NPR's Friday night classic Blues selection. Some hard cider, Blues and the porch chair was all I needed to bridge me over to a good night's sleep with the windows open and the slow rain on the roof.
I awoke to find all my bushy tailed friends happily feeding on the feeders. The little chipmunks have to feed off the ground below or run up on the porch to clean off the spilled bird seed. The wild turkey hen that frequents the cabin was also back to share in their bounty.
A fire in Beulah, a pot of coffee and a skillet of eggs with ham prepared me for another day.
She is becoming a daily regular at the cabin |
The chipmunks keep the porch cleaned |
A young gray squirrel enjoying the new feeder |
The overfed squirrels are now fat bottom squirrels. |
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