Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Loft progress Report

The cabin just keeps me coming back. I'm obsessed with trying to get it finished and don't know why. Once it's done, I'll just kick back and hang out and occasionally have guests. Kuma d.o.g. is really depressed that I haven't been taking her with me on work details. She doesn't understand that it is so muddy, I can't even drive the 4x4 vehicles and have to use a 4WD tractor to get back to the site. Yesterday I drove Maximus, Nic's 4WD Ranger to drop off the loft railing posts. As I was leaving, the truck slid sideways down the pasture hill in the muddy soil. Thank goodness for anti-lock brakes as they finally stopped me before sliding down into a grove of trees.

Today I finished installation of all 5 loft posts. They were mounted by counter sinking lag bolts into the 4x4 timbers that supports the loft and are behind the paneling. After the bolts were tightened down, I glued wooden plugs in the holes to conceal the bolts. All the posts have now been stained Early American. The posts will need one more coat before putting a clear finish coat on top. I also cut trim, the handrails and foot rails and stained most of the lumber before calling it a day. A recent review of My Ohio Cabin on the Small Cabin Forum said they couldn't believe its only 16'x24' as it seems much larger. I can't wait to post pictures of the finished loft railing with the black bears running through the forest. It may be a small cabin but it really takes my breath away when I open the front door as it looks more like a lodge than a cabin. Returning to continue this project tomorrow.

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